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How to Lose 10 Pounds and Keep It Off

Intermittent fasting is by far the best way I have found to lose weight fast and keep it off. I have lost 10 pounds in one month doing intermittent fasting. Five of those ten pounds were in the first week! I am convinced that there is no other method out there for weight loss that works as fast as intermittent fasting does. Let me tell you more so you can begin to lose weight fast like I did.

If you don't know what intermittent fasting is, it is a way of eating that requires you to go certain periods of time without eating solid food. All of us go without eating at least when we are asleep, but the benefits of fasting don't kick in until you reach the 16 hour mark. This means you will have not eaten food for 16 hours.

 There are a number of benefits to doing this on a weekly or daily basis. Not eating gives your body a chance to detoxify itself and repair any damaged tissues or organs. If we are constantly feeding our bodies, it never has a chance to rest, because it requires a great deal of energy to digest food. This period of fasting gives the body the rest it needs. I will discuss at the end of this article more of the benefits of fasting, but for now let's learn about how you can begin to make intermittent fasting part of your routine.

The easiest way to do intermittent fasting is to skip either breakfast or dinner. I suggest that you skip breakfast. This is actually very healthy, contrary to popular opinion. By skipping breakfast, you are increasing the time you spend fasting, which will allow your body to cleanse itself and to begin to burn fat. Since your body won't rely on food for energy, it will have no choice but to turn to your fat reserves. This is good news for you. The longer you can go without eating, the more fat your body will burn and the more weight you will lose. It is important however, that you drink a lot of water during the time you are not eating. Your body can go many weeks without food, but not very long without water. If you are doing daily fasts, I recommend fasts of 16-18 hours. If you are doing weekly fasts, I recommend fasts of 24-48 hours. Do not go beyond that unless you have a doctor's supervision. Now, here are some more of the benefits of intermittent fasting:
Improved mood, improved memory, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, normalized blood sugar levels, increased energy and athletic performance, increased resistance to stress, increased ability to burn fat, increased ability to build muscle, increased testosterone in men, etc etc.

If you would like to learn more about intermittent fasting, visit http://bestofadvice505.blogspot.com/ for free weight loss tips, weight loss product reviews and more.


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