
Free Fat Loss Advice - Shockers from the Doctor That Make You Want to Lose Weight!

You can get free fat loss advice on TV, in magazines, from friends and all over the Internet. Oh yeah, then you have to actually use the advice. What's the Number One Reason why people don't lose weight? PROCRASTINATION. They never start. They lose their will, but not their weight.

Maybe you just need a shocking jump start to get you moving and losing. I can still see those stark pictures of charred bodies in destroyed cars that they showed us in high school during Highway Safety Class. My father, the doctor in a small town of large couch potatoes, brought home free fat loss advice to the dinner table in between rounds. It was the prevention variety, in the form of grim but vivid stories of what I never wanted to become:
  • "You know that slimy, yellow-white, fat you cut off a chicken? Just imagine a foot of it under your skin. Sometimes when I'm operating on the fat ones, I have trouble finding the organs I'm trying to fix and it's hard to hold onto a scalpel covered with human grease."
  • "If the people in this town weren't so obese from a steady diet of fast food fried in fat, I'd have fewer cases of hypertension, heart attack, diabetes, osteoarthritis, stroke, gallstones and cancer as well as more patience with my patients."
  • "A huge woman came into the clinic complaining about pain in her side. When we examined her, we found the half-eaten bag of rotting Oreo cookies she'd lost in the folds of her flesh. Those tasty sandwiches will never be the same after seeing them sandwiched between her two slabs of flab."
You don't want to be any of the people in these pictures. Free fat loss advice is easy to find, but easy to leave behind. Are you heading toward Obese Street? Make a U-turn: A YOU-turn. Don't wait. Lose weight. Start today to strip fat away.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Airdunat


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